Diversity and Inclusion

Minorities in Philosophy (MAP)

The Sage School of Philosophy's local MAP chapter (mapcornell.weebly.com) aims to address various minority issues in the department. The events we organize include annual inclusive teaching workshops, reading groups, as well as emotional and mental health check-ins. Some of the previous topics for reading groups include philosophy of race, gender, and trauma. We are now trying to organize reading groups on philosophical topics that are not widely studied in West (for example, Chinese philosophy and Indian philosophy). The annual inclusive teaching workshops usually address minority issues in classrooms. Some prior topics are “Managing Classrooms as a Gender and/or Racial Minority”, “Teaching Sensitive Topics”, and “Trust, Power, and Transformation in the Prison Classroom.” We also organize ad-hoc meetings to address emerging issues related to minorities in our communities.

Athena in Action

Athena in Action is a networking and mentoring workshop for graduate student women in philosophy. These workshops, which are hosted at several universities, bring together groups of graduate students with groups of women faculty mentors for three days of substantive philosophical discussion and professional advice sessions. Participants benefit from getting to know the other talented graduate students and the faculty members, and from hearing the mentors’ advice on topics of interest to women in the profession.

2022 Workshop hosted by Rutgers: athenainaction2022.weebly.com/

2020 Workshop was hosted (virtually due to COVID) by Cornell: athenainaction2020.weebly.com/
