Philosophical Review voted best by wide margin

In an on-line poll of more than 600 philosophers, the Sage School’s Philosophical Review has been voted the best general journal of philosophy by a wide margin -- 371-165 over its nearest rival.

This is not the first time the Philosophical Review has received this recognition. “Our journal has probably been the best in the U.S. in philosophy for at least 70 years, if not longer,” noted Derk Pereboom, senior associate dean for arts and humanities and Susan Linn Sage Professor of Philosophy.

The Philosophical Review was founded in 1891 as part of the original endowment of the Sage School of Philosophy. The Review has been published continuously under the editorship of the faculty of the Sage School since its first issue appeared in January 1892. The current editor-in-chief is Michelle Kosch, professor of philosophy; the editor is Nico Silins, associate professor of philosophy; and the managing editor is Louise Silberling.

The journal publishes original scholarly work in all areas of analytic philosophy, with an emphasis on material of general interest to academic philosophers. The journal employs a policy of anonymous review, so that the identity of the authors is not known to the editors or referees until a final decision is made to publish or reject the submission.

The journal has published many papers now considered classics in the field, such as W. V. O. Quine's “Two Dogmas of Empiricism,” Thomas Nagel's “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?,” and John Rawls’s early articles, “Two Concepts of Rules” and “Justice as Fairness.”

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		 Front cover of the Philosophical Review