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Cornell University

Cornell Tulips!

Message from the Interim Chair

As temporary caretaker of the Sage School of Philosophy, I welcome your eyes to our spring newsletter, a report of noteworthy goings-on over the past several months and months to come.

Our most exciting news is that Toni Alimi, a current Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow in Classics and Philosophy, will officially be joining our faculty as an assistant professor as of July 1, 2024! Toni is a very exciting young scholar, specializing in all sorts of things: ancient Roman philosophy, intellectual history, contemporary ethics, and political philosophy. His book on the intellectual history of slavery is likely to be a big hit when completed. We are very happy that he’ll soon be on our team.

In late January, our department jumpstarted an old tradition, a lunch get-together at the Statler to welcome folks back from break and get us all energized and ready for the new semester. Loads of grad students and faculty hung out over several hours and enjoyed the good food and company.

This semester brings a torrent of talks, including some by our own faculty and grad students, but also many premier outside speakers, including Discussion Club talks by Sally Haslanger (MIT), Rachel Rudolph (Auburn), Justin Steinberg (CUNY), Ryan Preston-Roedder (Occidental), Deb Brown (Queensland), Massimo Renzo (KCL), and Justin D’Arms (OSU). In the graduate seminar on free speech being co-conducted by Andrei Marmor and Dave Shoemaker, outside visitors include Susan Brison, Matthew Kramer, Robert Post, Steven Wall, and Seana Shiffrin. It’s an exciting intellectual term!

In other news, Cornell Giving Day is taking place on March 16, 2023! Mark your calendar to be part of the excitement – and don’t forget to make your gift to support the Department of Philosophy.  Every gift makes a difference!

We’ve got two interviews for you to enjoy. The first is with Qiu Lin, a postdoctoral associate in the Sage School, on “Beauty and Weirdness in the History of Philosophy.” The second is with assistant professor Arc Kocurek, talking about “A Communal Enterprise for Everyone.”

Finally, follow the link here for an update on the amazing accomplishments of our faculty and grad students over the past several months.

David Shoemaker
Interim Chair

Logos 2022-23 Board

Logos ~ news from the philosophy undergraduate club

At the invitation of Logos, the Undergraduate Philosophy Club and Journal, University of Chicago professor Agnes Callard will be delivering the annual Norman Kretzmann Lecture, “City of Idiots,” on April 22. This lecture will be available to those unable to attend in person, please visit the University Event announcement for the link!

The club is currently working on the next issue of the journal Logos, which received over 120 submissions this year from undergraduates around the world.

This engaged group of students plan to hold various philosophy-themed events for the student community during the spring semester, including a philosophy movie night in early March.

pond in the Cornell Gardens

Sage School graduate students ~ P.L.A.T.O.

After a bit of a hiatus due to the pandemic, P.L.A.T.O has spent this year re-organizing and revamping some of our programs as well as introducing new ones. This year, Guyu Zhu and Zoey Payne reinstated a weekly work in progress group where graduate students have the opportunity to present something that they have been working on. Libby Southgate and Bobbi Cohn have reinstated our 1st year mentoring program, which pairs new students with one or two graduate student mentors further along in the program. Heeyoon Choi and Joseph Orttung are heading up an editing group for students to meet and peer review each other’s papers. Geoff Weiss has been spearheading PLATO’s social life by organizing some activities for graduate students to unwind and spend time together outside of the classroom including mixers at the Big Red Barn, a Halloween pumpkin decorating party, Friendsgiving with more activities planned for the Spring semester! We have also updated the graduate student page on the department website, we hope you enjoy reading about each of the students and the interesting and engaging work they are involved in. And, in very exciting news, Sage School of Philosophy 'swag' is here (or on its way)! 

P.L.A.T.O. is the field student organization for philosophy graduate students. Our purpose is to improve graduate life for students by providing a platform for communication and collaboration.

 Please visit our collection of Sage School newsletters if you would like to read a previous edition ~ enjoy!

Produced by Dorothy Vanderbilt, Administrative Manager for the Sage School of Philosophy

The College of Arts & Sciences

218 Goldwin Smith Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States
