Fall 2024 Ethics Colloquium
September 20: Laura Valentini (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
November 15: Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke)
Spring 2024 Ethics Colloquium
March 1: David Sobel (Syracuse University)
April 19: Ashwini Vasanthakumar (Queen’s University Law School)
Fall 2023 Ethics Colloquium
October 6: Daniel Jacobson (University of Colorado Boulder)
October 20: Renee Jorgensen (University of Michigan)
Spring 2023 Ethics Colloquium
April 21: Massimo Renzo (King's College London)
May 5: Justin D'Arms (Ohio State)
Fall 2022 Ethics Colloquium
October 14: David Brink (UC San Diego)
October 28th: Seth Lazar (Australian National U.)
November 4th: Sarah McGrath (Princeton)
Fall 2021 Ethics Colloquium
September 24th: Michael Smith (Princeton)
October 22nd: Luvell Anderson (Syracuse)
November 12th: Victoria McGeer (Princeton)
December 3rd: Susan Wolf (UNC)
Fall 2020 Public Debate Series
The Program on Ethics and Public Life hosted a public debate on October 1: "Health vs. Economy in the pandemic response: What is the right balance?"
This discussion featured Matthew Adler, professor of law and economics at Duke University and Peter Vallentyne, the Florence G. Kline Chair in Philosophy at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The debate was moderated by Rachana Kamtekar, Cornell professor of philosophy.
The full video recording of this event is now available to view via Cornell's video on demand.
Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 Speaker Series
"Politics and Justice in the Era of Donald Trump"
Sept. 12: Daniel Ziblatt (Government, Harvard) on danger signs and lessons from how democracies die
Oct. 15: Michael Dawson (Political Science, Chicago) on the politics of identity in the struggles for change
Nov. 12: Brian Schaffner (Political Science, Tufts) on the roles of racism, sexism and economic anxiety in support for Donald Trump
Feb. 14: Sheri Berman (Political Science, Barnard) on current challenges to democracy in Europe
Videos of lectures from Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 are available here.
EPL's Documentaries on China
EPL has created two documentaries on China. "The Two Worlds of Mr. Chen," about a migrant family in China split between beijing and a tiny village in Henan, is based on footage shot for EPL. The Chens' responses to the challenges of their urban/rural split and the views of the past and present and hopes for the future expressed by the Chens and their fellow-villagers illuminate great transformation of life in China. "Tiananmen 1985 in Depth" presents the course of the protests and their repression, including the diverse views of participants, making use of contemporary videos and an audio recording of events in the square the night of the final crackdown. These documentaries are included, along with shorter EPL videos on China, in eplchina.cornell.edu.
Spring 2018 Speaker Series
"The Difficulty of Democracy: Challenges & Prospects"
Feb. 9: Paul Pierson (Political Science, Berkeley) on The Risk of ‘Democratic Backsliding’: How Inequality & Polarization Threaten American Democracy”
Feb. 26: Nicholas Carnes (Political Science, Duke), Why is the U.S. Government an Upper-Class Club?: Class Barriers to Political Office and the Future of American Democracy
March 12: Cheng Li (Brookings) on The Fate of Intra-Party Democracy in the Era of Xi Jinping: Paradoxes, Perils, and Prospects
March 26: Michel Dawson (Political Science, Chicago) rescheduled for 2018
April 16: Atul Kohli (Politics, Princeton) on India’s Two-Track Democracy: Vibrant Citizens, Oligarchic Rulers
April 30: Arlie Hochschild (Sociology, Berkeley) on Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger at Government & Liberal Hopes, Can We Come Together Without Losing Ground?
Videos of lectures from Spring 2018 are available here.
Fall 2016 / Spring 2017 Speaker Series
"The Making of the President 2016: Issues and Processes, Hopes and Fears"
click here to access archived videos of Fall 2016 lectures, and here for Spring 2017 lecture

Spring 2016 Speaker Series
"Inequalities: How Deep? Why? What Should be Done?"
click here to access archived videos of Spring 2016 lectures

Fall 2014 Speaker Series
click here to access Ching Kwan Lee and Tony Saich China lectures
click here to access Claudia Goldin Sesquicentennial lecture

Fall 2013 Speaker Series
"After the American Century: Fears and Hopes for America's Future"

Fall 2012 Speaker Series
"Deep Issues of the 2012 Elections: Equality, Liberty and Democracy"
click here to access archived videos of Fall 2012 lectures

Spring 2012 Speaker Series
"The Politics and Ethics of the Rise of China"
click here to access archived videos of Spring 2012 lectures

The EPL speakers series are made possible by support from the Andrew and Andrea Potash Fund