Student Resources

Graduate Resources

Library Facilities

The Cornell University Library  is one of the premier research libraries in North America with collections that house more than seven million volumes. Olin Library maintains a comprehensive collection of books, periodicals and digital resources for philosophical research. Carrels in Olin's stacks are often available to graduate students. The Philosophy Study Room on the sixth floor of Olin Library conveniently houses frequently used periodicals and books as well as material on temporary reserve for graduate seminars in philosophy; many philosophy graduate students find this a convenient place for study. The Department of Philosophy also maintains a small collection of philosophy books in the department common room available for use by students and faculty.

Norman Malcolm Exchange with King's College, London

The Sage School and the Philosophy Department at King's College, London, jointly sponsor an exchange program for graduate students at both institutions. The exchange provides opportunity in alternating years for a graduate student from Cornell to spend a semester studying at King's and then a graduate student from King's to study at Cornell. The exchange program is named in honor of the distinguished philosopher Norman Malcolm who was actively involved in both departments during his career. 

Exchange Scholar Program  

Cornell  participates with a select group of universities in an exchange program that permits graduate students to study for one or two semesters at one of the other institutions in the program. Exchange Scholar Program participants include the University of California at Berkeley, Brown, Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, M.I.T., Princeton, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale.

Support for Travel and Other Special Purposes

Funding is often available for specific purposes such as summer language study and travel to participate in conferences. Students in their second fellowship year (the fourth or fifth year in the program) may use their fellowship to take advantage of academic and research opportunities at other institutions or in other places.

Other Resources
