Seminar on Free Speech

Spring 2023

Tuesday 4:00 - 6:00 PM, Rockefeller 102

The sessions of the Seminar on Free Speech are premised on pre-reading of the papers. The speakers will not present their papers, the sessions are devoted to Q&A and open discussion. The papers will be made available here at least a week before the colloquium. All are invited to attend and participate, but please note that priority in asking questions and raising points for discussion will be given to the students enrolled in the Seminar.

March 21: Susan Brison (Dartmouth)     

        Free Speech Skepticism

April 11: Mathew Kramer (Cambridge)

        Hate-Speech Bans are at Odds with Central Principles of Liberalism

April 18: Robert Post (Yale) 

         The Unfortunate Consequences of a Misguided Free Speech Principle

April 25: Steve Wall (Arizona)

         Free Expression 

May 9: Seana Shiffrin (UCLA) 
