Migdalia Arcila Valenzuela will present “Evidential Problems of Testimonial Injustice” in the workshop on epistemic injustice and law as part of the conference 1st Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week, May 23-27 in Girona, Spain (http://www.gironaevidenceweek.com/).
Vikram Kumar presented “The Stoics on Preconceptual Ambiguity: The Question of Articulation” at a Rackham Graduate Workshop at the University of Michigan.
Matt Paskell successfully defended his PhD thesis, “A Defense of Free Will Skepticism” at the B-Exam, and will be a visiting lecturer at Cornell in 2022-23.
Amy Lynn Ramirez successfully defended her PhD thesis, “Social, Racial (Dis)Location, and Morality” and will be a lecturer at National University Singapore in the fall.
Matthew (“Gus”) Turyn presented 'Intrinsic Interferers and Reactive Attitudes' at the Pacific Division Meeting of the APA; 'Internalism about Testimonial Injustice' at the Notre Dame-Northwestern Graduate Epistemology Conference and at the University of Rochester Graduate Epistemology Conference; and 'Agency and Counterfactual Knowledge' at the UT Austin Graduate Student Conference.
Bianca Waked will run the third Philosophy of Law Undergraduate Summer School this summer.
Hannah Winckler-Olick presented “Simone de Beauvoir on Value-Creation as a Mode of Complicity” at the Central APA in Chicago and at the Creighton Club’s Centennial Conference at Colgate University, for which it won the graduate student essay prize.
Peggy Zhu presented “Learning by Induction in Plato’s Symposium” at a CNY Mellon workshop at Union College.