S. Cole Mitchell

Visiting Assistant Professor


I work in metaethics, ethical theory, early modern, and the history of ethics and metaethics. I also have interests in philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, applied ethics, and most things historical: see my CV.

In August 2011, I got my Ph.D. with a dissertation on moral semantics and ontology at the University of Arizona. For the 2011–12 school year, I worked as an Instructor for Northern Arizona University. From 2012–14, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor with the University of North Carolina philosophy department, in the PPE program.  I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University for Spring 2019 and am currently a Visiting Lecturer for Spring 2025.

I’m always working on philosophy-related projects: Clarke-Collins correspondence(finished), parallel English-Czech versions of Hume’s 2nd Enquiry (finished) and Dialogues(not quite finished), King’s Origin of Evil (not quite finished), online guide to the moral realism debate (very incomplete), online guide to texts in early modern metaethics, summary of Hume’s Treatise (finished), translation of Bayle’s Continuation (not yet finished), ...

PHIL Courses - Spring 2025
